Happy Anniversary to Us

Nattering Naybob: Red Ranger, don’t give me the silent treatment for forgetting this, but this past July 9th was our one-year anniversary of subjecting our small but loyal band of readers to this little blog of ours. Sadly, one of our first posts was about the Aurora moviehouse shootings, and our most recent one is about the Trayvon Martin shooting (with the Newtown massacre in the middle). So the reckless use of, and easy access to, guns, has certainly been one of our main themes so far. Another has been my courageous (and mostly effective, I think) defense of our President and Commander-In-Chief against your withering, cruel, and frankly un-patriotic attacks. Plus we threw in a little Yankee stuff. And let’s not forget the Boston Marathon bombing and your riveting first-person accounts of that horrible day and its aftermath. Thus it was a very busy first year, The Red Ranger. Your thoughts.

The Red Ranger: Wow, time flies when you are having fun.

It was an interesting first year.  I think we started off strong, hit a lull and are now picking it up again.  I certainly enjoy the back and forth of a good debate although your tiresome rehashing of the same old liberal talking points can be a little tough to take at times.  I have to keep reminding myself that you are not allowed to have any individual thoughts and must follow the mantra of the democratic party no matter how misguided it is.

Nattering Naybob: I was going to send you a belated anniversary card, but not after that snide and false allegation. Your saying that I employ talking points of my identified party,  is like George Zimmerman calling someone else “reckless”. More thoughts on that verdict soon, The Red Ranger.

Welcome to our Second Grade Minds

Greetings and welcome to Second Grade Minds!
Here, two longtime friends will exchange ideas and opinions about politics (almost never agree), sports (usually agree), and culture (depends on the issue). Check back soon for our first official post.

Fasten your seat belts; it should be interesting.

The Red Ranger & Nattering Naybob